1. Always read to improve yourself
not for the sake of passing
examinations alone.
Always believe you know nothing even when you know
you have an idea on the topic matter. You always get
clearer understanding each time you revisit an
already known fact with the mind of developing your
cognitive ability. This system will also discourage the
fire brigade approach in most students who always
engage in serious studies when examination is at the
corner. The fire brigade style will do no benefit
because whatever is read has no intrinsic value as it
can easily be forgotten in a short period.
2. Make a wise choice in what improves your level of
concentration before embarking on study journey.
In doing this firstly try to understand nature as
regards what activates and improves your
concentration. Some students study style might be
allergic to a quiet environment. Their level of
concentration may be affected by the serene
environment which might drift their mind away or
even sleep off. For instance,I find it difficult studying
in a very quiet environment I either my mind picks
some form of imagination which derails my
concentration or I doze off totally. But after much
observance on my nature I later discovered I do
better in a not too quiet condition.
3. Find the best or perfect condition.
Sometimes I have a transistor radio by my side to
retain and boost my level of concentration and it has
worked effectively well for me. Take note this is my
own nature it might work for you or might not. You
need to study yourself to know what suits your
nature. You might be able to study very well in a very
quiet condition,or while lying on your bed,or far away
from your home,or while snacking..
So, get the best or perfect condition that suits your
study style!
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